How to make your own Unique 100% Natural Perfume?
Perfume is a classic gift for wonderful festive seasons, it's even better if the scent of the perfume is created by you especially for that special someone. Furthermore, you could DIY a personalized perfume that is totally free from any nasty harmful synthetic chemicals, and could even be beneficial to one's healthy sense of well-being. Now, this kind of perfume will be a truly wonderful gift (instead of an expensive harm bomb)!
Click here to learn about why is 'fake / synthetic / chemical fragrance is so bad for you.
Click here to learn about why is 'fake / synthetic / chemical fragrance is so bad for you.
And here are 3 simple ways to make your own perfume:
- DIY Oil Perfume: (Click here for Recipe)
Essential oils mixed with carrier oil in glass roller-ball bottle, apply on wrist, neck or back of the ears. - DIY Perfume Spray: (Click here for Recipe)
Essential oils mixed with distilled water and alcohol/witch hazel in glass/stainless steel spray bottle, use as a scented mist. - DIY Perfume Ointment: (Recipe upcoming soon)
Essential oils mixed with Shea butter, beeswax and carrier oil in glass/aluminum container, apply topically as a moisturizer.
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