DIY Lip Balm with Essential Oils - Orange Vanilla Stress-Away

Making my own organic Lip Balm

I have been wanting to make my own lip balm with essential oils and other organic ingredients for awhile after I watched some DIY videos online. We all apply lip balm straight on our lips and basically eat off it every seconds, so I really don't want to use something that are made with harmful preservatives and toxic mineral oils. There are some safe options in the market too, but why not make my own and have a bit of fun being a little "scientist/chemist" myself. :)

Yesterday, I finally got all the raw ingredients and tools in place for it and tested out the first batch (only 4, hehe!) They turned out to be quite a success. They set nicely, and are quite moist and fragrant. It is really easy and simple to get it done in just few steps. Most recipes out there you might find online are for making larger batch, like 15-20 of them. Unless I am giving them away for Christmas pressies or event gifts. I don't think I would want to make 20 at one go. I really like this recipe for making just 4, so that I can experiment with different flavor combination each time, and give to friends according to their personal preference on flavor/scent. These few babies are gifted to my few best friends last night at a birthday dinner. They all put it on straight away and seem to like the smell. :) 

I got all the essential oils from Young Living, the rest of the organic products from , and the empty lip balm tubes from 

You can also try other flavor combination, such as :

Bergamot & Peppermint
Lavender & Geranium
Rosemary & Lemon
Thieves (TM) & Lemon
Christmas Spirit (TM)
Rose & Ylang Ylang (very classy and pricey lip balm it will be :D!!!! )

Recipes in Gram.
or recipe measures with tablespoon if you don't have digital scale.
Ingredients (for 4 tubes)(you will need a digital scale)
• 7 g (2.5 Tsp) jojoba oil  
• 5 g (1.5 Tsp) Shea butter
• 5 g (3/4 to 1 Tbsp) Beeswax
• 3 g (1 Tsp) Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
• 1g (1/4 Tsp) Pure Vitamin E Oil
• 2-4 drops of organic Vanilla Extract 
• 4 drops Orange Essential Oils (EO)
• 2 Drop Geranium EO
• 2 Drops StressAway (TM) EO (optional)
• or (replace with any EOs with your preference) 

  1. In double boiler, combine all ingredients except the essential oils, stir until completely melted. 
  2. Remove from heat, add and stir in essentials oil. 
  3. Pour into lip balm tubes immediately (don't wait too long, it will set fast in room temperate) and allow it to dry completely before use.
